Lieutenant Governor

This job has less to do than the Vice President. Again, there are six candidates but only two real contenders. It’s Abel Maldonado versus Gavin Newsom.

This one is a pretty clear choice of character. Newsom has none. First, as Mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newsom’s biggest accomplishment was nailing the deputy chief of staff’s wife (incidentally, the deputy chief of staff was his campaign manager in his run for mayor and, supposedly, a good friend of the mayor's). Newsom's excuse?  A typical frat boy, "sorry, I was drunk."  Then when Newsom ran for the Democratic nomination for Governor and found that a) he could not win in his home city of San Francisco and b) more people wanted the undeclared candidate rather than Newsom, Gavin slipped out of town for a Hawaiian vacation. Normally, this is not a problem. However, when you are Mayor you should at least let your staff know where you are going.  Finally, now that election time is near, Newsom wants to play tough talk with Texas energy barons in a battle he clearly has no chance of winning (anyone remember then-Governor Davis threatening the energy industry earlier in the decade when California could not meet its financial obligations?).

I just can’t vote for a guy with a quart of oil in his hair and a room temperature IQ.

I am voting for Abel Maldonado.

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