State Assembly, District 13, and Board of Supervisors, District 2

State Assembly, District 13
The State Assembly is where the budget management issues are fought.  This is a two person race between incumbent Tom Ammiano and challenger Laura Peter.

Besides being a leading advocate for legalizing marijuana in the state of California and an one-trick-pony advocate for LBGT rights, Ammiano is most famously known for walking out of a Democratic Party fundraiser in San Francisco when Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was introduced by former Mayor Willie Brown.  The walk out is not what made the news.  Ammiano copying the infamous Joe Brown "You lie!" shout towards the Governor and stating that Schwarzenegger could "kiss my gay ass" is what made the news.

Ammiano has never represented his entire constituency.  However, Peters looks like she descended from some sort of gopher or ground rodent.  Actually, they both kind of look like rodents.

All that aside, Ammiano does not have what we need to fix our state budget issues.  He is divisive and brings no balance to the table.  Peters advocates getting jobs in California, reining in the runaway budget, and protecting Proposition 13.  Two out of three ain’t bad.

I am voting for Laura Peters.

Board of Supervisors, District 2

I was born in the District of Columbia (Washington, DC) and grew up in its shadows.  The city has been, and will always be, one of the most dysfunctional governments in the country.  It has nothing on San Francisco.

I have lived in San Francisco for sixteen years.  San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors, or “Stupervisors” depending on one’s point of view, have routinely ignored the tax payer wishes, clashed with mayors (both Democrat and Republican), and generally given the city a bad name.  From within our own district we have inflicted both Gavin Newsom and Michelle Alioto-Pier on the process.

In this election there are six people vying for the privilege to represent District 2.  Janet Reilly and Mark Farrell are the front runners.  Dark horses are Abraham Simmons and Kat Anderson.  None of them are the people pictured above.

The photos above are of Marion Berry.  Marion Berry is the former Mayor of the District of Columbia and multi-term Supervisor of the town I was born in.  When I did a quick search for a picture of the former mayor, I was stunned at some of the images that were returned (besides the now infamous, grainy surveillance shots of when “the bitch” set him up).  Marion was looking awfully pale.  Then I discovered that Marion Berry is also the United States Representative for the First District of Arkansas.  That’s got to cause him a lot of crazy mix ups when he is in D.C.

Anyway, back to San Francisco.  To avoid a runoff election for San Francisco supervisor the city has provided for ranked elections for some offices.  Voters will need to vote for their first, second, and third choices.  If you do not like a candidate at all, you need to make sure you do NOT include them in any of your choices.  Otherwise, you risk the possibility of supporting them over your primary candidate.  You can vote for the same person as all three choices.

Mark Farrell is the best choice for District 2.  Kat Anderson and Abraham Simmons will probably get my second and third choices.  Janet Reilly just looks like part of the Gavin Newsom crew so I will not vote for her at all.

Mark Farrell for choice 1.  Kat Anderson for choice 2.  Abraham Simmons for choice 3.

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