United States Representative, District 8

Four candidates; one Speaker of the House.  There are entries from the Peace and Freedom, Republican, Libertarian, and Democratic parties but let’s get real here – Nancy Pelosi is really in a race by herself.  If Pelosi gets less than eighty-five percent of the vote, she lost.  John Wayne Gacy could run in San Francisco and he could campaign in a clown suit and he would still win in this district, as long as he ran as a Democrat.

In my opinion, Nancy Pelosi has been a disaster as Speaker of the House.  Even as Barack Obama got comfortable in the White House, Pelosi expressed and rammed through the House differing, partisan positions from the President.  From the auto bailout and the stimulus bill to tax cuts and the question of whether to investigate Bush Administration officials for crimes related to torture, she has been an embarrassment to the Democrats and out of step with the American public.

Pelosi’s final collapse was to force through a Health Care plan that pushed America to a $1.3 trillion dollar deficit with no guarantees of what has been promised just so she could cement her legacy.  At a minimum, we need to remove her as Speaker; at a maximum, we need to send her home for good.

Nancy Pelosi has done it so bad that former San Francisco Green Party leader Matt Gonzalez has endorsed John Dennis.  Cindy Sheehan has endorsed John Dennis.  You remember her, the one who lost a son in Iraq and camped outside of George Bush’s Texas home to protest his war on terror?  Extracting from Cindy’s open memo on Ron Paul’s website to Madam Speaker:

“You have had quite a run as the first female Speaker of the House, haven't you?  In that almost four years now, you have fully funded the wars; rammed through the bankster bailouts and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Modernization Act; … presided over the worst jobs' hemorrhage since the Great Depression (can you see all the jobless and homeless from your mansion on the hill in Pac Heights?) and the only ‘victory’ that you can claim is a feeble health care ‘reform’ bill that you admit you had no idea what it contained, when in reality, it was just a massive welfare program for your corporate buddies in the industry.”

John Dennis is the better choice for the House of Representatives.

I am voting for John Dennis.

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